Liana Cicchetti
2003-11-26 14:10:40 UTC
This article titled "Computer Mouse Key Culprit in Repetitive Strain"
is an issue dealing with health concerns in the work place. It discusses
two studies conducted, the first being at the National Institute of
Occupational Health, surveying nearly 3500 workers at 11 Danish
companies. It was found that employees who used a computer more than
two-thirds of their work time were at high risk of developing strains in
the hand and wrist areas.
They also found that people who were at a computer for the whole day
and used the mouse half of this time had a four-fold higher risk of
problems then those who used the mouse only a quarter of the time. They
came to the conclusion that the problem was not only in the mouse but in
performing repetitive tasks as well. In the second study, conducted from
the Odense University Hospital, it was found that people using a mouse
for more than thirty hours a week had an eight times higher the risk of
developing certain strains in their wrist and hand areas as well.
Other noticeable symptoms included developing forearm pain, severe
neck pain and right shoulder pain. They found that these symptoms became
evident after more than 25 of weekly use. The researchers noted that
certain professionals are particularly at risk, "Computer-assisted
designers use the mouse almost all the time," co-author Dr Lars Brandt
told reporters. Having a demanding job seems to aggravate the problem,
he added. Researchers stated that a variable pattern of mouse and
keyboard use could be considered the best combination from an
occupational health perspective. "My impression is that it does not
really matter so much which device you use," Brandt said. "I do not
believe that you can invent a device capable of solving these problems,
You could try some preventive exercises instead, but I think the best
thing ... is that they keep you away from the mouse or the keyboard
while doing them."
is an issue dealing with health concerns in the work place. It discusses
two studies conducted, the first being at the National Institute of
Occupational Health, surveying nearly 3500 workers at 11 Danish
companies. It was found that employees who used a computer more than
two-thirds of their work time were at high risk of developing strains in
the hand and wrist areas.
They also found that people who were at a computer for the whole day
and used the mouse half of this time had a four-fold higher risk of
problems then those who used the mouse only a quarter of the time. They
came to the conclusion that the problem was not only in the mouse but in
performing repetitive tasks as well. In the second study, conducted from
the Odense University Hospital, it was found that people using a mouse
for more than thirty hours a week had an eight times higher the risk of
developing certain strains in their wrist and hand areas as well.
Other noticeable symptoms included developing forearm pain, severe
neck pain and right shoulder pain. They found that these symptoms became
evident after more than 25 of weekly use. The researchers noted that
certain professionals are particularly at risk, "Computer-assisted
designers use the mouse almost all the time," co-author Dr Lars Brandt
told reporters. Having a demanding job seems to aggravate the problem,
he added. Researchers stated that a variable pattern of mouse and
keyboard use could be considered the best combination from an
occupational health perspective. "My impression is that it does not
really matter so much which device you use," Brandt said. "I do not
believe that you can invent a device capable of solving these problems,
You could try some preventive exercises instead, but I think the best
thing ... is that they keep you away from the mouse or the keyboard
while doing them."