Internet Cheating
(too old to reply)
Tania Henry
2003-11-26 14:07:23 UTC
Internet Cheating

The issue in many schools today is the integrity of one¹s work.
Since the Internet became available, many students in highschool and
also at the post secondary level have cheated using the Internet. At
UNC the issue of Internet cheating is on the rise, "Last academic year,
the Honor Court received 149 reports of academic dishonesty and held
hearings on 85 of those reports." Of these academic offenses 80% of them
involved Internet cheating. This is compared to, "Six years ago, the
Honor Court received 58 reports and held hearings on nine of those
reports." These statistics easily show how the Internet has affected the
majority of students.
One suggestion for the increase in post secondary cheating is that
many students cheated at the highschool level. "About 75 percent of
high school students admitted to cheating on an exam in the last year,
according to research performed by the Josephson Institute of Ethics in
Another suggestion is that many students have poor work ethic. It is
extremely convenient for students to surf the Internet searching for
information and then just copying what they find. What is comes down to
is the fact that students will find the easiest and quickest way of
obtaining information that is needed.
As technology advances, so does the students ability to plagiarize.
This is an issue that affects: students, teachers, highschools and
universities. It is an issue that has to be dealt with in order to
uphold the integrity on one¹s work.

Information cited from:
Caitlin Bergstra
2003-11-26 14:37:16 UTC
Post by Tania Henry
Internet Cheating
The issue in many schools today is the integrity of one¹s work.
Since the Internet became available, many students in highschool and
also at the post secondary level have cheated using the Internet. At
UNC the issue of Internet cheating is on the rise, "Last academic year,
the Honor Court received 149 reports of academic dishonesty and held
hearings on 85 of those reports." Of these academic offenses 80% of them
involved Internet cheating. This is compared to, "Six years ago, the
Honor Court received 58 reports and held hearings on nine of those
reports." These statistics easily show how the Internet has affected the
majority of students.
One suggestion for the increase in post secondary cheating is that
many students cheated at the highschool level. "About 75 percent of
high school students admitted to cheating on an exam in the last year,
according to research performed by the Josephson Institute of Ethics in
Another suggestion is that many students have poor work ethic. It is
extremely convenient for students to surf the Internet searching for
information and then just copying what they find. What is comes down to
is the fact that students will find the easiest and quickest way of
obtaining information that is needed.
As technology advances, so does the students ability to plagiarize.
This is an issue that affects: students, teachers, highschools and
universities. It is an issue that has to be dealt with in order to
uphold the integrity on one¹s work.
This article was probably more of an issue a while ago. i remember being
in grade 6 and being assigned to to write lines from the teacher. The
kids in my class would just go to Word, write one line out, and copy it
until it made 200. The teacher never knew, she thought we typed out 200
lines. But now computers are more then just a hobby for kids. Adults and
teachers are using computers and know more about computers so they can
find cheating more easily.
Danielle Mackenzie
2003-11-26 14:34:45 UTC
Post by Tania Henry
Internet Cheating
The issue in many schools today is the integrity of one¹s work.
Since the Internet became available, many students in highschool and
also at the post secondary level have cheated using the Internet. At
UNC the issue of Internet cheating is on the rise, "Last academic year,
the Honor Court received 149 reports of academic dishonesty and held
hearings on 85 of those reports." Of these academic offenses 80% of them
involved Internet cheating. This is compared to, "Six years ago, the
Honor Court received 58 reports and held hearings on nine of those
reports." These statistics easily show how the Internet has affected the
majority of students.
One suggestion for the increase in post secondary cheating is that
many students cheated at the highschool level. "About 75 percent of
high school students admitted to cheating on an exam in the last year,
according to research performed by the Josephson Institute of Ethics in
Another suggestion is that many students have poor work ethic. It is
extremely convenient for students to surf the Internet searching for
information and then just copying what they find. What is comes down to
is the fact that students will find the easiest and quickest way of
obtaining information that is needed.
As technology advances, so does the students ability to plagiarize.
This is an issue that affects: students, teachers, highschools and
universities. It is an issue that has to be dealt with in order to
uphold the integrity on one¹s work.
I definitely agree that there is a huge insentive to cheat. I think all
students look for the quickest and easiest way to complete an
assignment, but why take the risk? I think that the easiest way to
eliminate the problem of plagerism is to make students aware of the
consequences. If they know how serious the punishment is for academic
dishonesty, they may be less tempted to take the risk. Plagerism
doesn't just happen...it is a conscious decision that will have
Pui Ki Ho
2003-11-26 14:33:39 UTC
Post by Tania Henry
Internet Cheating
The issue in many schools today is the integrity of one¹s work.
Since the Internet became available, many students in highschool and
also at the post secondary level have cheated using the Internet. At
UNC the issue of Internet cheating is on the rise, "Last academic year,
the Honor Court received 149 reports of academic dishonesty and held
hearings on 85 of those reports." Of these academic offenses 80% of them
involved Internet cheating. This is compared to, "Six years ago, the
Honor Court received 58 reports and held hearings on nine of those
reports." These statistics easily show how the Internet has affected the
majority of students.
One suggestion for the increase in post secondary cheating is that
many students cheated at the highschool level. "About 75 percent of
high school students admitted to cheating on an exam in the last year,
according to research performed by the Josephson Institute of Ethics in
Another suggestion is that many students have poor work ethic. It is
extremely convenient for students to surf the Internet searching for
information and then just copying what they find. What is comes down to
is the fact that students will find the easiest and quickest way of
obtaining information that is needed.
As technology advances, so does the students ability to plagiarize.
This is an issue that affects: students, teachers, highschools and
universities. It is an issue that has to be dealt with in order to
uphold the integrity on one¹s work.
Cheating through internet is a very serious and unacceptable issue.
As Internet can be access easily and conveniently, students can do
cheating work on their assignments and essays by copying directly from
the Internet. As I think, the educational board should think about some
ways to prevent this happening. For examples, highschools and
universities can try to adopt some programs or softwards scanning the
assignments or essays handed by students in order to check if they do
any Internet cheating.
Moreover, schools should emphasis more on the punishment of plagirism
so as to show the consequence of doing Internet cheating to their
However, the most important thing is that either highschools or
universities get to teach their students the importance of integrity of
one's work. It is important to let student know that it's wrong to copy
someone else's work and it has no good to them.
Nada Abou-Georgi
2003-11-26 14:38:29 UTC
Post by Tania Henry
Internet Cheating
The issue in many schools today is the integrity of one¹s work.
Since the Internet became available, many students in highschool and
also at the post secondary level have cheated using the Internet. At
UNC the issue of Internet cheating is on the rise, "Last academic year,
the Honor Court received 149 reports of academic dishonesty and held
hearings on 85 of those reports." Of these academic offenses 80% of them
involved Internet cheating. This is compared to, "Six years ago, the
Honor Court received 58 reports and held hearings on nine of those
reports." These statistics easily show how the Internet has affected the
majority of students.
One suggestion for the increase in post secondary cheating is that
many students cheated at the highschool level. "About 75 percent of
high school students admitted to cheating on an exam in the last year,
according to research performed by the Josephson Institute of Ethics in
Another suggestion is that many students have poor work ethic. It is
extremely convenient for students to surf the Internet searching for
information and then just copying what they find. What is comes down to
is the fact that students will find the easiest and quickest way of
obtaining information that is needed.
As technology advances, so does the students ability to plagiarize.
This is an issue that affects: students, teachers, highschools and
universities. It is an issue that has to be dealt with in order to
uphold the integrity on one¹s work.
I agree that as the internet technology advances so does the tendency of
students to plagarize, and that is simply because they have a very
simple and fast way of maintaining information that they would otherwise
have to think up on their own or research for hours to find. I think a
lot is being done about it nowadays especially through the internet
itself as many websites are now being designed to easily identify
